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corporate culture

Core values Imperial League Vision:Innovation changes the world, and practical actions achieve dreams
Imperial League Mission:Professional, focused, innovative, and ultimate。 
Purpose of the Imperial League:Craft high-quality products with care and cultivate character with love。
Empress League's View of Happiness:Adhering to filial piety, valuing virtue, excelling, and creating value。
Action style:Serious, fast, and committed to completing tasks without making excuses。
Declaration of Integrity

Ensure integrity and adherence to company discipline;

Fulfill job responsibilities and execute company decisions;

Strictly abide by company secrets and face all penalties for any violations。

Ten wants ten doesn't

Prioritize safety, standardize operations, and avoid blind production;

To abide by laws and regulations, fulfill one's duties, and not offer or accept bribes;

To be upright and upright, to be a gentleman's friend, and not to engage in eating and drinking behavior;

To respect teachers and value education, to study diligently and work hard, and not to be mediocre;

Be fair and upright, enhance communication, and avoid discussing others privately;

We should prioritize the overall situation, prioritize value, and avoid creating small circles;

Be willing to dedicate, work hard without complaint, and do not nitpick;

Be daring to innovate, cross industry graft, and not stick to conventions;

To love one's job and work diligently, to plan and do things, and not to be deceitful;

Dare to speak and manage, strictly enforce, and not be afraid of offending others;

2024 Struggle Slogan

Happy Enterprise Exhibition New Chapter, Respecting the Old, Caring for the Young, Virtuous and Filial Piety Transmission.

Value first, bravely climb high, surpassing excellent performance.

Professional focus on scientific research, striving for excellence through iteration.

Improving quality and efficiency is the foundation, and the founding elites praise the sages.